Areas of value added
Confidentiality Agreements (NDA) and Licensing
Property Disputes and Personal Injury
In collaboration there are countless models. Because some models share similarities, even professionals tend to confuse them. As a result, misunderstandings and disputes arise, and legal and business rights are violated. The problems are particularly severe in international agency and distribution agreements.
As a result, various benefits (including IP rights) may be lost and markets with great business potential - go into a freeze and even close.
Adv. Erez Modai has extensive experience working on contracts in models of cooperation and especially agency and distribution: In the aerospace industry, Adv. Modai was the agent and distributor unit and was involved in huge contracts of Teaming. Software and IT. In his office, Adv. Modai also accompanied countless agency and distribution contracts, both of Israeli agents and distributors of products from abroad, and of agents and distributors abroad of Israeli products and technologies.
Adv. Modai is a representative of the Export Institute regarding agency and distribution contracts, Erez Modai has lectured on agency and distribution in over one hundred and ten courses, workshops and seminars at the Business College of the Association of Chambers of Commerce and the Export Institute.
Are you about to enter into an agency, distribution or collaboration transaction? Contact Adv. Erez Modai without delay.
How not to lose a technological advantage?
In many companies, technology and intellectual property (IP) are the main, or even the only, business advantage.
Transactions sometimes require disclosing technology / IP. Beyond the exposure itself, today's customer or partner may become tomorrow's competitors. The loss of intellectual property may erase the commercial advantage and lead to losses and even collapse._ cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
This is one of the biggest risks in transactions and technology businesses in general and high-tech in particular.
NDA - Confidentiality Agreements
Many times, even before the start of negotiations for a technological transaction, a confidentiality agreement (Confidentiality Agreement or Non-Disclosure Agreement known as NDA) will be signed. In the world of technology and high-tech, the NDA is considered "routine" and often does not receive proper treatment. A company's main asset does not receive the protection that the NDA is intended to provide, and legally these situations may be worse than when the technology and / or IP are not protected at all.
Licensing agreements
A confidentiality agreement (NDA) is usually limited to the pre-transaction stage and its terms are not relevant when the transaction itself includes rights of use. Therefore, a transaction in technology / IP should include a license, which will regulate countless parameters, such as the license period, its scope (territory? Industry?), The purpose of using IP (only support? Maybe also development !?) and many others.
Adv. Erez Modai - background and experience in protecting your technological assets
Adv. Modai has handled many hundreds of confidentiality and licensing agreements as a major part of his roles as an attorney in the aerospace industry and as legal manager at Oracle and his firm. Adv. Modai also wrote a book on confidentiality agreements and lectured on this topic at well-known conferences and institutions.
For advice on technology and / or IP protection, contact cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ with a conscious attorney without delay.

The Marker
Adv. Modai tackles these many complexities with the help of a series of solutions that he has developed over the years. "Over decades of working internationally and tackling a wide range of challenges I have built a 'toolbox' of solutions such as conventions, mechanisms and international institutions, sources of information and arrangements such as double taxation treaties and more and more. ", He says."